Sunday, August 3, 2014

Here is the url for the AWESOME Prezi I made on School Culture! Check it out…….. it's a powerpoint presentation with a twist!

EDLD 590 Reflection

Blogging--- I must admit at first I was not on board with the blog and it was really confusing. Thanks to the tutorials I am much more confident. 

Eyejot--- The eyejot was really cool and I really liked how easy it was to use. I will be sure to use this for my class when I'm going to be out for the day and on a day to day basis. I could use this to help with my lessons. 

Voki--- This is also cool for when I am going to be out for the day and using for lessons. 

Glogster--- I really liked using glogster!!! It is super easy and fun and it will be very beneficial to use in my lessons. 

Windows Movie Maker--- This was really cool to use for my personal use. 

Wiki--- The wiki and website are good for middle and high school students, I think I could find a way to use it in my second grade classroom. But it seems really good for collaborative learning. 

Website---The website is good for teachers to interact with students and parents outside of the classroom. 

Concept Maps--- I use concept maps in my classroom all the time. It is really useful. 

Prezi---The Prezi is really cool for teachers and students to use. I love the presentation of it, it's fun and engaging for students.